Charlton Gunn posing professionally and smiling for the camera at the Graduate School of Management

Position Title
EQUIP Scholar


Charlton Gunn

Charlton Gunn is an exchange student from Adelaide, Australia. He has completed a degree in commerce (majoring in corporate finance) and is currently in his final year studying law. HIs professional interests point toward entrepreneurship, business and private equity, and Charlton has two businesses in Adelaide (a car rental business and an Airbnb management business). "I have loved the challenging and rewarding journey so far," he reports. 

Charlton's key skills include financial analysis and general financial literacy for both stock market investing and investing in private businesses. His professional goal is to develop his businesses, creating new businesses and attracting outside capital within five years. 

Outside of work, Charlton enjoys going to the gym, long-distance running and coffee catchups with friends.
